Pathways to Impact: Building Your Idea Network

Cheney Room, 1413 Engineering Hall, 1415 Engineering Drive 
@ 9:00 am - 10:30 am

Innovative ideas need a dynamic and transient network of stakeholders to become marketable realities. To explore a new framework for identifying and building your support network, join us for a specialized installment of Pathways to Impact: Building Your Idea Network, an official event of the UW-Madison Innovate Week 2024.

The Activate Fellowship for Entrepreneurial Scientists and Engineers

@ 7:00 pm

Applications open on September 4th. Activate is the premier program for scientists on a mission. The two-year fellowship provides early-stage hard tech science entrepreneurs $100K in research funding, yearly living stipends of $100K, intensive entrepreneurial training, mentorship, networking, and other benefits.