Get an Entrepreneurial Kickstart
As part of this year’s Forward Fest—Wisconsin’s largest technology and entrepreneurship festival—this National Science Foundation (NSF) I-Corps Hub Pathways to Impact workshop covers the basic organizational tasks needed to launch a business: the “nuts and bolts” of getting your business off the ground. Learn about the types of legal business entities, understand the need for licenses and permits, become familiar with basic legal and financial requirements, and leave with an action plan for next steps for your business. This event is a collaboration with the Technology Entrepreneurship Office, D2P, the Innovate Network at UW-Madison and the NSF I-Corps Great Lakes Hub.
Join Us
WHEN: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 | 2:00-3:30pm
WHERE: Tong Auditorium (Rm 1003) | UW-Madison Engineering Centers Building (1550 Engineering Dr.)
HOW TO REGISTER: Reserve your ticket using an internet browser at After registering, you can build a personal itinerary for your week, including the Nuts and Bolts of Starting a Business and numerous other events sure to spark entrepreneurial growth and innovation. This event is available for free with a Free Events Forward Pass.
Reach out to Emma Uren at for event questions. Learn more at